Category: common problems/faqs

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  • Category: common problems/faqs
How To Get Rid Of Scale On Plants

How To Get Rid Of Scale On Plants

When pests attack your houseplant, it can get personal 🙅‍♀️In this article, we guide you through a gentle method for how to get rid of scale on plants without torches and pitchforks – that’s just as satisfying.

How To Treat A Magnesium Deficiency In Cannabis

How To Treat A Magnesium Deficiency In Cannabis

Think you’ve got a magnesium deficiency in cannabis plants? Here’s what to look for and how to treat it.

It’s Not O-K: Potassium Deficiency in Cannabis

It’s Not O-K: Potassium Deficiency in Cannabis

Potassium deficiency in cannabis plants makes the leaves look burnt around the edges. Poor pH soil is the main cause.

How To Make Pothos Fuller (In 5 Minutes)

How To Make Pothos Fuller (In 5 Minutes)

Does your pothos plant have long vines and not a lot of volume? Here’s how to make pothos fuller right now.

Save Your Overwatered Monstera In 4 Steps (And How Not To Do It Again)

Save Your Overwatered Monstera In 4 Steps (And How Not To Do It Again)

Got an overwatered monstera? Here’s how to tell if you’re overwatering your monstera and what to do to save it.

Scale On Monstera: What To Do And How To Save It

Scale On Monstera: What To Do And How To Save It

Struggling with scale on monstera? Right when you think they’re gone, the little buggers re-emerge with a new leaf shoot. Ugh! This is what to do about it.

Common Calathea Problems and How to Fix Them

Common Calathea Problems and How to Fix Them

There are so many calathea problems that we put them into one post. Here’s how to fix them all.

Is that mold on plant soil? Here’s what you need to know.

Is that mold on plant soil? Here’s what you need to know.

Got mold on plant soil? Here’s what it looks like, how to treat it, and what causes it.

Fertilizer Burn on Plants? Here’s How to Fix it

Fertilizer Burn on Plants? Here’s How to Fix it

Almost anything can be poisonous in high quantities, and the dreaded FB is one of them. Yep, we’re talking Fertilizer Burn folks! This is what to do about it.

Why do plants droop at night? The science behind plant sleep

Why do plants droop at night? The science behind plant sleep

Why do plants droop at night? Learn about this strange phenomenon that makes plants appear more rigid, healthy, and alive during the daytime.

Reviving Your Succulent: Why is My Succulent Dying and How to Save It

Reviving Your Succulent: Why is My Succulent Dying and How to Save It

Why is my succulent dying? Here are 4 possible reasons and how to revive it.

How to care for a philodendron (for beginners): An expert reveals secrets

How to care for a philodendron (for beginners): An expert reveals secrets

Want to know How to care for a philodendron? An expert reveals her secrets.

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