Category: common problems/faqs

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  • Category: common problems/faqs
[SOLVED] Why is my succulent growing tall and skinny?

[SOLVED] Why is my succulent growing tall and skinny?

Why is my succulent growing tall and skinny? Don’t panic. Here’s what is happening.

How to prevent and treat Monstera root rot

How to prevent and treat Monstera root rot

Is your Monstera under the weather? Let’s get to the root of the issue, eh? It could very well be root rot; check out these signs and symptoms as well as how to prevent Monstera root rot from coming back!

12 essential oils for plants that treat pests, fungus, and more

12 essential oils for plants that treat pests, fungus, and more

Got some pesky little insects taking over your houseplants? Here are the top 10 essential oils for plants to fight pests, fungus, and more.

Snake plant root rot (and how to save it)

Snake plant root rot (and how to save it)

Just when you thought your snake plant would survive the apocalypse…GASP! What’s that? Snake plant root rot? This is what to do about it.

Underwatered aloe plant: how to know when your plant needs more water

Underwatered aloe plant: how to know when your plant needs more water

Underwatering means trouble, but it doesn’t have to be the end of your aloe! Save your underwatered aloe plant in no time with our pro recovery method here.

How to increase humidity in a room with indoor plants

How to increase humidity in a room with indoor plants

People and plants can suffer from dry indoor air. This is how to increase humidity in a room (without a humidifier).

How to make your indoor plants grow faster

How to make your indoor plants grow faster

Get your green thumbs ready and turn your home into a thriving jungle with our expert tips on watering, lighting, and nutrients for indoor plants!

7 reasons why your philodendron leaves are turning yellow

7 reasons why your philodendron leaves are turning yellow

Oh no, your split leaf philodendron has yellow leaves! Learn what they mean and how to restore your philly to full health here.

Got a droopy aloe plant? Here’s what to do

Got a droopy aloe plant? Here’s what to do

Aloe is known for its many incredible properties, but you can’t take advantage of them if you have a droopy aloe plant on your hands! There are a surprising number of reasons why your plant might not be its perkiest. This is what you need to know.

Don’t let Philodendron root rot get you down. Here’s what to do.

Don’t let Philodendron root rot get you down. Here’s what to do.

Luckily, you can treat philodendron root rot if you notice it has taken hold. Here’s how.

Plant sunburn: why it happens and how to prevent it

Plant sunburn: why it happens and how to prevent it

Learn how to prevent sunburn. I share my experience here with a few pictures so that you can identify and prevent sunburn damage.

How to fix low humidity leaf curl for humid-loving plants

How to fix low humidity leaf curl for humid-loving plants

If your plant’s leaves are curling inward, then check your humidity levels. Here’s how to fix low humidity leaf curl.

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