Tag: Vining

Hoya Carnosa Care Tips: How To Care For Hoya Carnosa

Hoya Carnosa Care Tips: How To Care For Hoya Carnosa

With sweetly fragrant blooms so perfect you may wonder if they’re real, hoya carnosa is a delight to all of the senses. Here’s our care guide.

Monstera Adansonii Care Guide

Monstera Adansonii Care Guide

Monstera Adansonii is a unique variety of the popular jungle climbers loved by plant parents everywhere. Read on for tips to care for these lacy-leaved plants!

Philodendron Brasil Care Guide

Philodendron Brasil Care Guide

Earning its name from vibrant green and yellow streaked leaves resembling the Brazilian flag, the Philodendron Brasil is a popular variegated cultivar of the Heartleaf Philodendron.

Split Leaf Philodendron Care Guide

Split Leaf Philodendron Care Guide

The Split Leaf Philodendron is a fun, tropical addition to any houseplant collection, thriving in most environments with sufficient light and humidity. 

How to Make a Moss Pole for Your Climbing Plants

How to Make a Moss Pole for Your Climbing Plants

Here’s how to make a moss pole for houseplants.

How to Propagate a Split-Leaf Philodendron: Easy Step-by-Step Guide

How to Propagate a Split-Leaf Philodendron: Easy Step-by-Step Guide

Want to know how to propagate a split-leaf philodendron plant? Here’s how to do it.

Golden Pothos plant care: how to keep them happy

Golden Pothos plant care: how to keep them happy

Golden Pothos are the gold standard of easy-care houseplants. These lush climbers are incredible air-purifiers and every plant collector’s dream.

How to propagate swiss cheese plant (3 ways)

How to propagate swiss cheese plant (3 ways)

Want to know how to propagate swiss cheese plants? Here are 3 propagation stations I set up when my monstera adansonii got a little leggy.

indoor plant supports: expert tips for staking indoor plants

indoor plant supports: expert tips for staking indoor plants

Using plant stakes for your climbing plants? We interviewed plant support expert Ara Flink about how to stake plants with plant supports to find out how to do it beautifully.

how to save an underwatered pothos plant

how to save an underwatered pothos plant

Are your pothos looking droopy from being underwatered? Don’t fret, we have all the signs and solutions for you to revitalize your underwatered pothos plant in no-time.

hoya care: how to keep them happy

hoya care: how to keep them happy

In general, Hoya plants are quite easy to care for. Although all Hoyas have similar characteristics and care, each variety of wax plant will have some needs specific to its species. Do a bit of research on your specific wax plant species to ensure you offer it the best environment and care. 

english ivy plant care: how to keep them happy

english ivy plant care: how to keep them happy

English Ivy will happily grow on just about anything, from brick walls to exposed pipes. This climber adds an elegant, leafy ambience to your home.

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