Tag: DIY

What to do with extra scoby (hint: it’s good for the soil)

What to do with extra scoby (hint: it’s good for the soil)

I decided to feed my extra scoby to the worm farm. I am documenting the process so that you can try it on your garden and indoor plants too.

DIY tiered indoor plant stand: step-by-step instructions

DIY tiered indoor plant stand: step-by-step instructions

Ditch the expensive furniture and build your own! Follow our guide on how to make a DIY tiered plant stand for a chic way to show off your plants.

how to make a self watering moss pole in 15 minutes

how to make a self watering moss pole in 15 minutes

Ever tried to make a moss pole and it’s crispy as? Yeah, me too. So I tried making a self watering moss pole and it turned out alright! Here’s exactly what I did for this DIY project.

how to set up a terrarium (of any size)

how to set up a terrarium (of any size)

Learn how to set up a terrarium with Jira Sai, owner of Plant Corner in NYC. Jira shares what to put in a terrarium, how to set it up, and how to maintain it.

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