Category: Climbing

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  • Category: Climbing
13 Different Types of Philodendron Plants For Jungle Vibes

13 Different Types of Philodendron Plants For Jungle Vibes

Philodendron plants are the easiest plants to take care of. Here our favorite types of philodendron varieties to add to your home.

Monstera Adansonii Care Guide

Monstera Adansonii Care Guide

Monstera Adansonii is a unique variety of the popular jungle climbers loved by plant parents everywhere. Read on for tips to care for these lacy-leaved plants!

How to Make a Moss Pole for Your Climbing Plants

How to Make a Moss Pole for Your Climbing Plants

Here’s how to make a moss pole for houseplants.

indoor plant supports: expert tips for staking indoor plants

indoor plant supports: expert tips for staking indoor plants

Using plant stakes for your climbing plants? We interviewed plant support expert Ara Flink about how to stake plants with plant supports to find out how to do it beautifully.

how to make a self watering moss pole in 15 minutes

how to make a self watering moss pole in 15 minutes

Ever tried to make a moss pole and it’s crispy as? Yeah, me too. So I tried making a self watering moss pole and it turned out alright! Here’s exactly what I did for this DIY project.

how to get a hoya plant to climb, according to experts

how to get a hoya plant to climb, according to experts

Hoya plants like to climb and often do better when paired with a plant trellis for support. We asked plant shop owners of Plant the Studio how they get all of their hoya plants to climb. Here’s what they said.

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