Category: Pest control

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  • Category: Pest control
How To Get Rid Of Scale On Plants

How To Get Rid Of Scale On Plants

When pests attack your houseplant, it can get personal 🙅‍♀️In this article, we guide you through a gentle method for how to get rid of scale on plants without torches and pitchforks – that’s just as satisfying.

The Best Neem Oil For Plants: Our Top Picks

The Best Neem Oil For Plants: Our Top Picks

Don’t want your plants hosting a pest party? Stop the “infest-ivities” before they arrive with these top-rated neem oils for plants.

How to make homemade spray to keep cats from eating plants

How to make homemade spray to keep cats from eating plants

Want to know how keep cats out of your plants? Here’s my homemade spray to keep cats from eating plants.

12 essential oils for plants that treat pests, fungus, and more

12 essential oils for plants that treat pests, fungus, and more

Got some pesky little insects taking over your houseplants? Here are the top 10 essential oils for plants to fight pests, fungus, and more.

How to mix neem oil for plants with 3 simple ingredients

How to mix neem oil for plants with 3 simple ingredients

In this article, learn how to mix neem oil for plants and enjoy the benefits of this versatile, all-natural pest repellent and leaf shine product.

What plants NOT to use neem oil on

What plants NOT to use neem oil on

Neem oil is a powerful ingredient in houseplant care. These are the plants NOT to use neem oil on.

Most common cannabis pests and how to treat them

Most common cannabis pests and how to treat them

These cannabis pests are common and annoying. Here’s how to treat them.

What does scale look like on plants? Here is my collection of pictures.

What does scale look like on plants? Here is my collection of pictures.

Learn about the different types of scale insects, their waxy coating, and the signs of a scale infestation on plants.

How to get rid of mealy bugs (with pictures)

How to get rid of mealy bugs (with pictures)

Mealybugs can cause a great deal of damage to plants, and infestations can be difficult to control. Here’s how to get rid of them.

scale on fiddle leaf fig: how I finally got rid of them

scale on fiddle leaf fig: how I finally got rid of them

Got dreaded scale on your beloved fiddle leaf fig? Here’s how to treat scale on fiddle leaf fig plants once and for all.

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