Tag: Soil

8 Best Soil Moisture Meter Options For Indoor Plants

8 Best Soil Moisture Meter Options For Indoor Plants

Stop playing guessing games when it comes to watering your plants! We’ve rounded up the best soil moisture meter picks.

Best Soil For Monstera Plants (DIY Recipe + Store-Bought Options)

Best Soil For Monstera Plants (DIY Recipe + Store-Bought Options)

The right kind of potting soil will make a big difference in the health and appearance of your indoor Monstera Deliciosa. Here’s the best soil for monstera plants.

4 types of soil and what they’re good for (according to science)

4 types of soil and what they’re good for (according to science)

What material on Earth is more valuable AND more abundant than diamonds? đź’Ž Soil, of course! Learn about types of soil here.

Here’s how to harvest worm castings

Here’s how to harvest worm castings

Harvesting worm castings–sounds fun right?! Actually, yes! Worm compost makes fantastic fertilizers that will make your plants babies very happy. Here’s how to do it.

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