Tag: composting

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  • Tag: composting
What to do with extra scoby (hint: it’s good for the soil)

What to do with extra scoby (hint: it’s good for the soil)

I decided to feed my extra scoby to the worm farm. I am documenting the process so that you can try it on your garden and indoor plants too.

Here’s how to harvest worm castings

Here’s how to harvest worm castings

Harvesting worm castings–sounds fun right?! Actually, yes! Worm compost makes fantastic fertilizers that will make your plants babies very happy. Here’s how to do it.

how long does compost take to turn into nutritious soil? it depends

how long does compost take to turn into nutritious soil? it depends

Patience, grasshopper! Usable compost may take some time, but it’s such a great way to turn food into fuel for your plants. So, how long does compost actually take? Let’s break it down.

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