Category: Interviews

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  • Category: Interviews
How to care for a philodendron (for beginners): An expert reveals secrets

How to care for a philodendron (for beginners): An expert reveals secrets

Want to know How to care for a philodendron? An expert reveals her secrets.

How to use a moss pole for plants: An expert explains

How to use a moss pole for plants: An expert explains

A moss pole retains moisture so that your climbing or vining house plants can get a drink while moving away from a more traditional water source, like, say, moist soil in a pot. Here’s what you need to know.

Vermicomposting for beginners: how to compost indoors for happy plants

Vermicomposting for beginners: how to compost indoors for happy plants

We wanted to know how to compost at home for beginners, so we interviewed a vermicompost expert. Here’s how to get rich nutrient-dense soil fast in this post about composting for beginners.

Expert tips for DIY soilless potting mix

Expert tips for DIY soilless potting mix

We interviewed Kenny Kong, creator of The Chonk, a soil-less potting mix about how to make well-draining potting soil. Here’s his diy potting mix recipe.

indoor plant supports: expert tips for staking indoor plants

indoor plant supports: expert tips for staking indoor plants

Using plant stakes for your climbing plants? We interviewed plant support expert Ara Flink about how to stake plants with plant supports to find out how to do it beautifully.

semi hydroponics nutrients, according to experts

semi hydroponics nutrients, according to experts

We asked Jennifer how she keeps her indoor plants so happy with her semi hydroponics system. These are her recommendations.

how to set up a terrarium (of any size)

how to set up a terrarium (of any size)

Learn how to set up a terrarium with Jira Sai, owner of Plant Corner in NYC. Jira shares what to put in a terrarium, how to set it up, and how to maintain it.

how to make a rubber plant bushy, an expert shares

how to make a rubber plant bushy, an expert shares

We asked NYC plant shop owner Shana Taylor how she keeps her rubber plants happy and bushy. She shares her secrets and tells us what she uses to keep them happy.

how to get a hoya plant to climb, according to experts

how to get a hoya plant to climb, according to experts

Hoya plants like to climb and often do better when paired with a plant trellis for support. We asked plant shop owners of Plant the Studio how they get all of their hoya plants to climb. Here’s what they said.

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