Category: Types of Ferns

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  • Category: Types of Ferns
Maidenhair fern care: How to keep them happy

Maidenhair fern care: How to keep them happy

Here’s everything we know about Maidenhair fern care.

22 types of fern plants that will love the indoors

22 types of fern plants that will love the indoors

To help you find a fern variety that matches the feel of your home and keeps your indoor feeling outdoors, here are the most popular ferns that are commonly kept as indoor plants.

10 plants that can go outside in the rain (+growing tips)

10 plants that can go outside in the rain (+growing tips)

When can I put my houseplants outside in the rain? Follow these tips when putting your indoor plants outside and you will have healthy, hydrated houseplants.

boston fern care: how to keep them happy

boston fern care: how to keep them happy

Pot the impossible! The Boston fern filters light and purifies the air. Known commonly as Sword Fern, Ladder Fern, or Boss Fern, this plant is easier to keep indoors than you might think.

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