Category: Plant Glossary

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  • Category: Plant Glossary
[SOLVED] Rubber plant leaves curling? Here’s what to do

[SOLVED] Rubber plant leaves curling? Here’s what to do

Learn how to fix curled rubber plant leaves with our expert tips and solutions. Keep your plant healthy and thriving!

How often to water calathea (and when to cut back)

How often to water calathea (and when to cut back)

Discover the secret to keeping your calathea plants lush and beautiful with the right watering schedule.

Philodendron leaf curling? Let’s diagnose and fix that.

Philodendron leaf curling? Let’s diagnose and fix that.

Learn how to fix curled leaves on your Philodendron plant with expert tips and solutions.

Pothos root rot: what to look for and how to fix it

Pothos root rot: what to look for and how to fix it

Here, we’ll go over those main signs of pothos root rot and the best options you have to fix and prevent it.

The best grow lights for orchids for beautiful blooms

The best grow lights for orchids for beautiful blooms

The best grow lights for orchids? We’ve rounded up our top picks that will help you get the best out of your blooms.

How to clean monstera leaves gently (and how often)

How to clean monstera leaves gently (and how often)

Learn how to clean monstera leaves so that they’re shiny, vibrant beauties.

Orchid care tips for healthy, happy orchids

Orchid care tips for healthy, happy orchids

Read more about orchid care basics. Bring these tropical plants indoors to enjoy their beautiful blooms for life!

Bird of paradise care tips for a happy, vibrant tropical paradise

Bird of paradise care tips for a happy, vibrant tropical paradise

Let the Bird of Paradise shine in your home with these easy care tips.

How to grow pothos in water for *decades*

How to grow pothos in water for *decades*

Follow my aunt’s tips for growing pothos in water for as long as you’re there to witness. Here’s how to grow pothos in water.

Why are my pothos leaves curling? Here’s what to know.

Why are my pothos leaves curling? Here’s what to know.

Are your pothos leaves curling? Here are the reasons why and how to fix it.

Brown tips on your spider plant? What’s causing it and how to fix it.

Brown tips on your spider plant? What’s causing it and how to fix it.

Got brown tips on your spider plant? Here’s what’s causing it and how to fix it.

how much light does monstera need?

how much light does monstera need?

Light = energy for monstera! Too little results in weak growth, but too much causes burnout. Discover the perfect balance of how much light a monstera needs..

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